Atonement Is!
Atonement is love choosing hell, so that we may once again follow the way of love through hell and to Shalom.
Only when we are utterly lost to our selves, to God and our neighbor, feeling the numbing death of spirit, the empty void, so incredibly sad that we long to once again feel even despair over this nothingness whose raging desires are shame, guilt—Only at this place beyond hell, does atonement begin to make sense.
Atonement is not judicial though it allows us a judicious meeting with integrity, now lost. It is not about Sovereign offense though only a Sovereign can declare us restored. It is not about someone dying in our place, though it cannot be less than The One dying with us. It is not about God’s wrath removed but is God suffering our sin’s wrath, chaos absorbed in the vastness of the Trinity’s womb.
Atonement is God being disfigured by the violence of our greed so that the likeness of God’s peace may permeate our soul again. Atonement is the light of life flooding our soul’s killing fields of anger and judgment; God by acts of kindness revealing loves heart in all
Atonement is an exchange of the Divine sharing with us the ever expanding love for the broken wounds of Adam’s race.
There is no human words for this restorative relation. It is a communal, Incarnational work of God, who from before time “made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21 ).
Blessings! Terry
Visual Podcasts on Atonement
A Critique on PSA called: “God Died with us, not In Place of Us!”
Good Friday Reading:
Palm Sunday Passion:
Four Visual Podcasts on ”Why Did Jesus Die?
Session #1 Session #2 Session #3 Session #4
Why Did Jesus Die Podcasts:
If you’d like to read my book exploring these themes: